Oxford City Council
OCC Community Impact Fund Storytelling Project
In Spring 2023, the Big Ideas network agreed that the Old Fire Station (OFS) would lead a pilot Storytelling evaluation. This aimed to help the network better understand what change is happening for the people we work with, gather insights we can all learn from, and trial a different way of evaluating.
Storytelling is an evaluation method developed by the Old Fire Station and inspired by Most Significant Change (MSC). It involves collecting stories from participants about their involvement in a project, and then bringing people together to discuss these stories and what can be learned from them. 
Six partners came forward to take part in the project - African Families in the UK, Ark-T, Home-Start Oxford, Justice in Motion, My Life My Choice, and The Story Museum. Partners Elmore Community Services, Old Fire Station and Oxford Hub also contributed existing stories from wider Storytelling projects. These stories aim to collectively reflect a breadth of identities, focuses and perspectives from across the city.
Follow this link and see pages 52-54 for notes from our Community Impact Fund Storytelling discussion.