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LEAF Stories

The Lived Experience Advisory Forum (LEAF) is an independent group run by and for people with lived experience of

homelessness. The aim of this group is to ensure that the valuable input of Experts through Experience is included

across Oxfordshire within commissioning, service planning, policy change, decision making, and service evaluation. LEAF consults with organisations across the county to embed the voice of people with lived experience in the sector, while offering its members new opportunities, connections, and room for growth.  


In January 2022, OFS trained a group of LEAF members and Aspire staff in the Storytelling method. They used the approach to learn about people’s experiences of LEAF and inform future planning. LEAF collected the stories of eight individuals involved in different ways in its work - staff, LEAF members and partners.  


Click here to read the report

Leaf Logo 2021.jpg

Read the stories


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